How to Backup a Raspberry Pi SD Card: 3 Easy Methods

The Raspberry Pi is a useful tiny computer that enables you to create various projects on it and offers a setting in which to learn many different programming languages. If you are a mad tech crazy, you are undoubtedly considering building different projects on it, and there is a danger that you may lose your Raspberry Pi data if something goes wrong with your device or SD card. In such a situation, you will surely need a solution to backup Raspberry Pi data.

This post will show you some useful backup methods for your Raspberry Pi data.

How to backup a Raspberry Pi SD card

You will need to backup your SD card since the whole Raspberry Pi OS image is stored there. This will ensure that your vital data is saved. In this article, you will learn a few methods for quickly backing up the data on your Raspberry Pi SD card. Now let's start talking about each one of them.

Method 1: Using “SD Card Copier” to backup Raspberry Pi SD card data

Using the SD card copy option in the Raspberry Pi main menu is another simple way to backup your SD card data. To access this option, first, insert a USB drive into the Raspberry Pi, then choose the “Accessories” option. The “SD card copier” may be found there.

How to backup Raspberry Pi SD card command line?

Open the SD Card Copier.

How to do I backup my entire SD card?

Use the “Copy From Device” option to choose the SD card, and the “Copy to Device” option to select USB storage.

How to do I backup my Raspberry Pi SD card on Windows?

To perform the copy process, choose the “Start” option, and the program will transfer the data from your SD card to your USB storage.

How to Back Up Your Raspberry Pi SD Card on Windows
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Method 2: Copying your SD card image

While backing up the data on your Raspberry Pi, one of the methods you should take into account is copying a complete image of your SD card. This process is the reverse of flashing the image of your OS onto an SD card since we are backing up all of the Raspberry Pi data into a single image file so that you may restore it later.

Execute the following actions to perform this method:

Step 1: Insert your SD card into the card reader of your Raspberry Pi device while it is off, then plug the card reader device into your PC.

Step 2: Download and install Win32DiskImager on your PC from here.

Step 3: When your PC completes the installation, launch Win32DiskImager.

How to Backup Raspberry Pi SD Card on Windows, Linux

Step 4: Verify that the Win32 Disk Imager selects the correct SD card for Raspberry Pi.

How to Backup Raspberry Pi SD Card & Restore it

Step 5: Select the “Folder” icon.

Backing up and Restoring your Raspberry Pi's SD Card

Step 6: Don't select any files; instead, navigate to the folder where you wish to keep your SD card image. Give your image file a name with the .img extension, then select the “Open” option.

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Step 7: To start backing up your Raspberry Pi data in an image file, click the “Read” option.

backup raspberry pi image
win32 disk imager

The process will take 5–10 minutes, and after it is complete, it produces an image of your Raspberry Pi OS data on your PC folder so that it may be restored later.

clone raspberry pi sd card

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Method 3: Compressing the Home Directory of the Raspberry Pi

You should execute this option if you want a more comfortable method without removing your SD card from the device. With this method, you will simply back up the home folder, and after it is complete, you will easily uncompress the backup file and restore every directory of your Raspberry Pi OS.

To perform this method, execute the following commands in the terminal:

$ cd /home/
$ sudo tar czf RasperryPi_homebackup.tar.gz pi
$ sudo tar czf RasperryPi_homebackup.tar.gz pi

The preceding script will generate a backup file with the name “RaspberryPi_homebackup.tar.gz” that you may put on the cloud or your PC using a USB drive.


Raspberry Pi is an excellent source of learning for individuals of all ages; therefore, when someone works on this device, they should think about backing up their Raspberry Pi SD card data to prevent data loss. Everyone who wants to secure their essential data on their PC will need to use one of the above methods; if you are one of them, choose the method that is most convenient for you.

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